Okay, so maybe I haven't been so good at keeping this blog updated! I have been good about training, though. This past Saturday, I ran 10 miles. Incredible to think how far I've come. When I first started running back in January, I could only do 2 miles, huffing and puffing the whole time. Just over a month and half until the big race. I feel ready. I'm excited. The Lord has been gracious in protecting me from injury and giving me the strength and endurance to run. My stamina has been improving as evidenced by my long run this past week. I know come May 14th, 13.1 miles won't be so daunting. I'm nearly there.
Since I have about 6 weeks left, I'm going to start pacing my training each week. I run 4 miles on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but rather than increasing my long runs by a mile each week, I will do two weeks at 10 miles, 2 weeks at 11 miles, and 1 or 2 weeks at 12 miles. I won't actually run 13 miles until race day.
Eating healthier has definitely contributed to my endurance, although I've been kind of slacking off in that department. I know if I had stuck to THM eating better, I would have lost more than I have, but that's okay. I definitely don't want to starve myself while training. Today I am eating well. Each day is a new day and a new chance.
After race day has come, I think I will still keep training. The long runs may not be as long, but I'll still do the 4 miles twice weekly. I don't have another half marathon on the horizon, and I doubt I'll ever feel the desire to complete a full marathon, but maybe some 5Ks or 10Ks will come along. In any case, I'll just keep running ;).